Here’s some of the latest inspiration
What’s your plan for 2024?
“Marketing is the generous act of helping others to become who they seek to become. It involves creating honest stories—stories that resonate and spread." – Seth Godin
The shorts have been finally packed away and, given the UK weather, the wellies retrieved from the back of the cupboard under the stairs… but rather than hunkering down in the increasing dark it’s the best time to recharge your business.
Better outcomes – speaking the right language
Translating surgical R&D tech speak into the language of procurement or of a patient in pain who wants their life back, is not easy.
Better outcomes – together
An engaged and inspired team delivers greater success. Creating effective focus and engagement within your organisation is a powerful way to improve outcomes.
Better outcomes – sooner rather than later
Creating a powerful brand and marketing narrative from the start will help your new medtech succeed – better and faster.
Providing a strong platform to oil the wheels…..
If I see another pumpkin…
No, we’re not talking about trick or treating or the other autumnal delights that are now part of the seasonal calendar – for marketers and mere mortals.
Inspiring ideas for 20 years
UK Parliament to global meditech to reopening a city post Covid 19, York based brand and marketing consultancy Ideas Group are celebrating their 20th Anniversary putting the spotlight on some of their inspiring clients and transformational campaigns.
Reinvigorate for the future
Who, when, what and why – some of the most important words for any organisation. The answers provide the basis for business strategies across the board, and are especially critical when times are tough, competition fierce and ambitions to make a real difference are never more important.
Supporting the sales frontline
The world of healthcare and meditech is highly competitive and went through a ferociously difficult time in 2020/21. Despite this, sales teams need to stay confident and focussed to work with their customers to hit their targets and provide the best solutions for patients.
Quality never goes out of style
For some of you who remember the 80s that may sound familiar – It’s Levi’s brand statement, tag line, sign off… A brand that has weathered recessions, pandemics and changing generations without losing relevance. Keeping its brand relationships going through thick and thin, bad and good times
It’s Monday so it's ministerial visit day!
Between campaigns for global meditech clients and property developers we’re very proud to be supporting our home – the dynamic world class powerhouse that is York and Yorkshire.
‘Spot’ in the limelight
As one of the many pieces of internal comms being created for our healthcare client Stryker, we recruited Dalmatian Stanley to take on the lead role of ‘Spot’ in a film to promote the benefits of their online sales resource platform.
Ideas help organisations survive and thrive!
In the last 6 months we’ve …
Helped re-open a city and support its future
Enabled developers to sell over £10+m of properties
Inspired people to save lives.
Here’s how…
Marketing NOW
Just think back to the weekend of March 21.
This may have been your household to do list:
A typical mixture of family activities and planning - trips to the supermarket, booking a celebratory meal out and looking into options to change the car…. Just every day stuff.
Let's help re-open the city
Let’s be York
Safe Welcoming Considerate
York strategy and creative agency is supporting one of the UK’s best places to live and work re-open as COVID 19 lockdown eases.
Working at pace to respond to government guidance and prepare the city safely reopen in only a matter of days, Ideas Group delivered a transformational communication campaign
Unlocking the next 660 years?
We are extremely pleased to have been commissioned to work with The Company of Merchant Adventurers on transforming their marketing strategy and planning at such a critical time.
Home to York’s entrepreneurs since the 14th century Merchant Adventurers’ Hall has been the focus for York surviving and thriving through the odd global crisis - or two!
We’re unlocking experiences…
Taking your brand outside.
Unlocking has started… and taking retail, cafés, bars, museums and culture outside is the opportunity: it’s safer, there’s reduced CV-19 transmission and it’s a brilliant way to reengage people with your business and brand and deliver for revenue, now.
Supporting transformation
Stimulating thinking, inspiring results
We’re all cosseting our businesses and our teams in ways we never envisaged – coping with the immediate challenges to keep the wheels turning and our customers and teams supported and in touch.
Telling Tales – Creating your brand story
Every good story has an enticing beginning, an immersive middle and a memorable end.