Marketing NOW

Just think back to the weekend of March 21.

This may have been your household to do list:


A typical mixture of family activities and planning - trips to the supermarket, booking a celebratory meal out and looking into options to change the car…. Just every day stuff.

Roll forward just one week: March 28


How different the world had become. Nothing we thought was normal was possible and with no idea of when or how we’d be able to do any of those things again in quite the same way.

And then, at the end of June, what did that list look like?


At home and at work, we are living with different, constantly changing rules and contexts and it’s interesting to think about the list now – and who is on it?

We might again be thinking about changing the car….

We’re arranging to meet with family and friends…

We’re buying food – every week, maybe every day…

We may even be booking a hair appointment!

But who with?

Those businesses who have kept in touch with us.

They may or may not be the same ones as we went to before but undoubtedly it will be the ones with whom we feel confident, connected and who understand what we need.

People are looking for brands and businesses they can trust and how is trust maintained – especially if you haven’t been able to visit, shop, experience there for a while? Through keeping in touch, through keeping your brand alive, through… well, marketing. The activities that reach out to your customers and stakeholders, engage and enable them to choose your products or services rather than someone else’s.

So NOW is the time to be looking at your marketing – strategically and tactically. Being proactive and reaching out to customers old and new.

Listening to what they need – Now.

Getting yourself ahead of your competitors and creating those loyal relationships, advocates and stakeholders for your future business.


We’re of course here to help – inspiring and transforming businesses and brands to thrive, from now.


Ideas help organisations survive and thrive!


Let's help re-open the city