Telling Tales – Creating your brand story

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Every good story has an enticing beginning, an immersive middle and a memorable end. The same goes for your brand. It needs to welcome and excite people to discover more, provide them with brilliant solutions and encourage them to spread the word or come back for more.

This is especially true for brands in property – commercial or residential – as you’re ultimately selling a lifestyle: whether it’s a motivational and successful place to run a business; a thriving funky place to be seen at for shopping and leisure, or places people will relish calling home.

Where do you start? Here’s a quick checklist:

Sort your strategy and objectives – what will success look like ie where you want to go to achieve a happy ending.

Identify and understand all the characters:

–      your audiences and what they do or could need/want;

–      your product and services – and what makes them special or different to your audiences, compared to the competition

Define the context – the marketplaces and the channels in which the action will take place

This sets the scene for your brand positioning and proposition enabling you to weave your brand story – the ethos and values, the messaging, visual identity and imagery, the creative communications to reach out and engage with investors, employees, agents, customers, landlords, influencers, advocates, partners…..  

It’s a mixture of insight, analysis and creative magic – especially in the property world where hard-nosed commercial end goals will go hand in hand with the emotional intelligence required to sell the dream.


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