Supporting transformation


stimulating thinking, inspiring results

We’re all cosseting our businesses and our teams in ways we never envisaged – coping with the immediate challenges to keep the wheels turning and our customers and teams supported and in touch.

There are huge unknowns: So NOW is the time to stimulate new ways of thinking: be brave and creative through your organisation and ignite your core values through your teams, your stakeholders and your customers. 

Re-engineer your business, brand and marketing strategy

Adapt the 2020 short term and crucially prepare the ground for 2021 and beyond.

The organisations that have clear goals, robust scenario planning, and an adaptable, entrepreneurial approach to products and markets will weather the COVID-19 world and beyond. Harvard Business Review has said “We need imagination now more than ever” ….. and that’s to drive our strategies as well as our tactics

Develop your brand platform and story:

Our brands are all about trust – embedded in IQ and EQ – so we should be using them in every way possible to engage powerfully, internally and externally. Providing reassurance, certainty, information, excitement, belonging or just a positive smile.

Flex your tactics to keep relationships going, supporting, informing and differentiating…

You may not be able to see customers in person so reach out in different ways:

Support your sales teams and distributers now uncomfortably working from home, creating new resources, using direct mail as well online.

Create impactful presentations for virtual delivery and develop new conversations.

Tourism companies, and museums are doing this to keep in touch and build future – paying – audiences. Just look at the now global Battle of the Curators.

The words, “we’ve always done it like this” are dangerous at the best of times so embrace being out of the comfort zone to do things differently – something we love doing here every day! Making people look twice!

Great ideas, content, messaging and stand out are what’s needed:

Though - Beware digital overload! The whole world is Zooming, Teaming, Hangouting and, dare I say it blogging and creating web resources so yours has to stand out, resonate and be meaningful. Inspiring creative is memorable and cuts through the noise – for the longer term as well as the now.

Support your teams:

The heart of your business. Provide them with practical tools for their jobs and personal support for their wellbeing.

There are endless wellbeing articles and websites from mindfulness to the brilliant NHS resources but suffice to say, this is a time to keep in touch with your teams, large or small. Everything you do now, will help them with the day to day and build an even more engaged, inspired and productive team for the future. It’s not for nothing that the likes of Stryker maintain their Top 10 position in the Sunday Times Best Places to Work every year.

We’re here to help, of course – find out how, here. And just get in touch.

Stimulating thinking, inspiring results


We’re unlocking experiences…


Telling Tales – Creating your brand story